Pre-season wrestling workouts for anyone interested.

This week's events

Student Services November Newsletter

Halloween Parade at Crotty Park. Happy Halloween!
#Go Raider Nation.

Hi Everyone.
The Halloween Parade will happen at Crotty Park. We will keep everyone updated if anything changes.

Congratulations to the 5th and 6th Grade on a great Fall Band Concert! Great job Ms. Jones and Mr. Richards!

This week's events

Congratulations to Waveland Hall for his honorable mention in the LaSalle County Farm Bureau "Thank a Farmer" Bookmark contest. His design was made it to a bookmark for the 3rd grade and he received a t-shirt. Great job!!

Welcome Alex Shreve - Student Teacher

This week's events

North Campus enjoyed a visit from the Fighting Irish Football Team today! They read books to all the classes and joined in for a little recess fun. Thanks to the coaches and players!! Go Irish!!

The North Campus cheers on the State Bound Raiders Cross Country team. Good luck at State tomorrow!
#Raider Nation.

Seneca High School Halloween Concert Information

This week's events

The Raiders Cross Country Team is State Bound!!! The Lady Raiders placed 3rd as a team with the boys placing 2nd in the Seneca Sectional.
# Go Raider Nation.

The Raiders Cross Country Team is State Bound!!! The Lady Raiders placed 3rd as a team with the boys placing 2nd in the Seneca Sectional.
# Go Raider Nation.

Let’s give a huge shoutout to our amazing Seneca Grade School Leaders who
inspire, support and guide our student and staff everyday!

This week's events

The Seneca Marching Raiders and VOICES members in the homecoming parade. # Go Raiders!

October Student Services Newsletter