This week's events
about 2 months ago, Tiffany Condon
The 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Teams played MVK on Friday night in the new High School Gym. It was a great experience for everyone to get a chance to play in a big gym with a large crowd! Thanks to all at SHS who invited us over!
about 2 months ago, Raider Randy
Boys Basketball Teams
Attention All... Due to extreme cold temps forecast for tomorrow, school and all after school activities are canceled for Tuesday, January 21st. Stay safe and warm.
about 2 months ago, Raider Randy
Congratulations to our Students of the Month. November Student of the Month is Peyton Watkins and our December Student of the Month is Aidan DeBreto.
about 2 months ago, Randy Raider
This week's events
about 2 months ago, Tiffany Condon
Congratulations to Cam Chapman on receiving the Mason Hada Character Counts award at the Mason Hada wrestling tournament over break. This award was presented to only one wrestler in the tournament who is humble, kind, hard-working, and resilient. Great work, Cam!
2 months ago, SGS Athletics
North Campus enjoyed their winter wonderland centers today! Mrs. Yerly planned great activities for the students and we were so happy to have amazing parent helpers and the South Campus VOICES join us too. Our Raiders Who Lead were also a huge help along with Officer Sangston and Mrs. Ceko. It was so much fun!!
3 months ago, Lynn McGhee
cookies and milk
VOICES helpers
jingle balloons
such fun!
Thank you to our kg through 4th grade Students and Mr.Richards for a wonderful Christmas program. What a great way to head into the Christmas season! # Raider Nation
3 months ago, Eric Misener
4th grade Christmas program
3rd grade Christmas program
kg grade Christmas program
2nd grade Christmas program
2nd Christmas program.
This week's events
3 months ago, Tiffany Condon
Just a reminder of "Pack the Gym " night tomorrow night! We hope to see you there!!
3 months ago, Mr. Holman
December Student Services Newsletter
3 months ago, Tiffany Condon
This week's events
3 months ago, Tiffany Condon
The South Campus Pavilion/ Outdoor classroom is close to being completed. Step by step pictures of the project are attached.
4 months ago, Eric Misener
Excavation work on the pavilion.
More excacation work
start of pole setting
pavilion taking shape
Pavilion starting to go up at SC
Roof work on the pavilion
More pavilion roof work
interior roof work
Concrete work at SC
Cupola work completed.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month! September Student of the Month is Tenley Justice and October Student of the Month is Liam Jones.
4 months ago, Randy Raider
Our annual "Pack the Gym" night will take place on Thursday, December 5th when the 7th and 8th grade boys take on Dwight. Admission into the game will be a monetary donation or food item. All proceeds will benefit the Seneca Food Pantry. If you would like to donate but cannot attend the game, donations can be dropped off in the South Campus main office.
4 months ago, Mr. Holman
This week's events
4 months ago, Tiffany Condon
Here is the new information for the pre-season wrestling workouts. The previous flyer had a wrong address on it.
4 months ago, SGS Athletics
This week's event
4 months ago, Tiffany Condon
School Board Members Day - November 15, 2024
4 months ago, Randy Raider
Board Members
SHS is hosting GRIT Night for 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players.
4 months ago, Raider Randy
GRIT Night Info