Please take a moment and complete our survey on Remote Learning. We appreciate your help and support during this time. You can find the survey at
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Hey everyone! I wanted to share this awesome program called My Virtual Mission. It lets you complete different courses virtually and get a medal when you are done. It does cost $30 a mission but I thought that this could be a cool way to get your child active and working towards a goal. I will be right there along with you! I signed up for Hadrian’s Wall! Check it out!
almost 5 years ago, Mariah Bolin
iPad pick up is going on at North Campus
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
New Remote Learning Packets are up for North Campus...
almost 5 years ago, Randy Raider
North Campus families should connect with their child's homeroom teacher using ClassDojo. Visit or download the app today to start. Go to for directions to sign up.
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
A Math resource is TumbleMath - This is K-6 math ebook database with math books and practice quizzes We appreciate Mrs. Lain coordinating these resources!
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Here is another reading resouce: AudioBookCloud - An audio book database for kids to adults
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. Lain has found a great resource for families to use during our time at home. Please visit this link to TumbleBooks - K-6 children's ebook database
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee Check out some of our NC staff on Raider Red day! Hope everyone is staying healthy and we miss you!
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
This is a picture of socks the students can color for Down Syndrome Awareness day tomorrow. Similar to the shamrock hunt, kids can color it today then post in a window of their house tomorrow and families can drive around and hunt for the socks. Thanks Mrs. Passerman for sharing!
almost 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Color your own crazy socks
This is a reminder.. If you are participating in the meal pick up program at SC It begins tomorrow Wed the 18th from 11-1p.m This is a drive up service. Please enter through the front gates and proceed to the south side of the building to door N..where staff will bring your meals out to you.
about 5 years ago, Randy Raider
Here is another resource for you to check out for activities for home.
about 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. Sprinkel's Newsletter 3-13
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
SGS students and parents - After discussing future events with other conference schools, it was decided that the remainder of the regular season scholastic bowl schedule will be cancelled. We still plan on participating in the tournament on April 18th and April 29th. As of right now, no decision has been made on the track season. If school is in session, there will be practice. We will update you as we know more. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Holman at
about 5 years ago, SGS Athletics
The Solo & Ensemble Concert scheduled for tomorrow, 3/14, has been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Raider Randy
Check out Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter...
about 5 years ago, Raider Randy
Ms. Bolin’s 3rd grade class playing a life size version of the board game “Battleship.”
about 5 years ago, Mariah Bolin
Ms. Bolin’s 3rd grade class playing a life size version of the board game “Battleship.”
Ms. Bolin’s 3rd grade class playing a life size version of the board game “Battleship.”
The Seneca wrestling team competed in a very tough sectional meet today. Three wrestlers will move on to STATE next weekend! Chris Peura placed 3rd, Ryan Flynn placed 2nd, and Asher Hamby was the sectional champion at 119 pounds! Congratulations boys!!
about 5 years ago, SGS Athletics
Wrestling 2
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Sprinkel's Newsletter 3-6
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel