Show your school spirit on Monday by wearing red and black to support the Lady Raiders volleyball team as they compete in sectionals! Also, fan bus permission slips were sent home today. If students are interested in riding, they need to be turned in by Monday morning at 8:30.
about 5 years ago, SGS Athletics
Mrs Hovious Newsletter 3/6/20 -
about 5 years ago, Randy Raider
Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball girls for winning the regional championship!
about 5 years ago, Mr. Severson
Regional champs
Regional champs
Regional champs
Regional champs
Mrs. Sprinkel's March Calendar
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. McDonald's March Calendar-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter - 2/28/2020
about 5 years ago, Raider Randy
Paul Guerino, guest speaker from the Chicago Field Museum, shares his knowledge on Geology with Seneca’s Sixth Grade Class Guerino Really Rocks! Hands were raised as guest speaker Paul Guerino sparked enthusiasm in the classroom. Seneca Grade School students listened attentively as Mr. Guerino spoke on the formation of acid rain, the effects of acid rain on the environment, as well as rocks and erosion. Guerino’s presentation served a culminating activity for the unit of study in Science teacher, Julie Yunker-Craig’s classroom. “Mr. Guerino connects with the students. He presents the material with enthusiasm and knowledge”, states Craig. Guerino gains the students’ attention by painting a picture. “Pretend you are a leaf on a tree,” tells Guerino, walking the students through the effects of acidity on plant life. Both Paul and Julie served on the instructional education team for the IAAP (Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers) summer teacher workshop program. Julie Yunker-Craig has served as the Keynote speaker for the IAAP convention in past years. Guerino makes sand slides and rock samples for the IAAP convention as well as many schools throughout Illinois. Seneca’s sixth grade students benefited from Mr. Guerino’s knowledge on geology this past week. Guerino conducted a sand slide presentation and microscope lab with Craig’s classes. Guerino and Craig co-taught a rock identification lab including the construction of rock kits. The students’ eyes light up when Guerino brings rock samples for them to keep. This lifelong teacher really rocks!
about 5 years ago, Cory Yandell
Fourth Grade enjoying a game of Crazy Pin Guard
about 5 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter 2/21/20 -
about 5 years ago, Randy Raider
Your 7th grade Lady Raiders are the IVC Champs!!
about 5 years ago, Jenn Zelko
IVC Champs
IVC champs
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter 2/14/20 -
about 5 years ago, Randy Raider
Mrs. Sprinkel's Newsletter 2-7
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Mrs. Sprinkel's February Calendar
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
The 7th grade Lady Raiders volleyball team took 2nd in the Marseilles tournament this weekend. They beat Marseilles and Ottawa Wallace before falling to Marquette in the championship game. They are now 13-1 and will be playing in the conference tournament this week.
about 5 years ago, Jenn Zelko
Lady Raiders
On Saturday, February 8, the top speller from our school spelling bee went on to compete in the LaSalle, Putnam, and Marshall County Regional Office of Education’s Regional Spelling Bee. Seventh grader, Hailey, did a great job representing SGS with pride. She made it through the first two rounds before being eliminated in an incredibly challenging third round. On March 11, she and the top sixth and eighth grade spellers from SGS will compete at our annual Conference Spelling Bee.
about 5 years ago, Christine Armstrong
Hailey spelling “commotion” in the second round.
Participants listening to instructions prior to the start of the Bee.
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. McDonald's February Calendar-
about 5 years ago, Mrs. McDonald