SGS Remote Learners Picture Day Flyer

SGS North Campus Picture Day Flyer

SGS South Campus Picture Day Flyer

Check out North Campus's back to school sites and videos.
You can click on underlined links and visit each grade level's site or view a brief welcome video

Mrs. McGhee welcomes everyone back to North Campus
We look forward to seeing our in person learners tomorrow! It is a 11:25 dismissal - be sure to watch our videos on the new pick up and dismissal process

Please watch Chief Lamboley's talk about the new Drop-off and Pick-up procedure at North Campus.
Drop off begins at 7:40
Dismissal Time is 11:25 on Wednesday - please do not begin lining up before 11:05
For 2:00 dismissal, please do not begin arriving before 1:35.
Thank you for your patience as we use our new system

North Campus Updated Homeroom Lists!!!

Cross Country practice starts tomorrow at 8:00 am behind South Campus! Athletes can participate in Cross Country along with baseball/softball, and should report to Cross Country practice first tomorrow. If a current physical and school paperwork have not been turned in, please bring them to practice.

Don't forget to complete the survey!! Deadline is July 29th. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JjR2HSzp4Zsr5GtF14FUTPTT9ks8F5be1C8Hzt45C_E/viewform?edit_requested=true

Please take a moment to read this important letter about Preschool 2020-2021 - https://5il.co/ig3j

Seneca Grade School has partnered with Morris Hospital to offer on-site sports physicals on Wednesday, July 15th. There is still time to sign up! If you would like to reserve a time, please email Mr. Holman at jholman@sgs170.org or leave him a message at 815-357-8744 ext. 3125. The physical form that was sent via email must be filled out before arriving.

Seneca Grade School has partnered with Morris Hospital to offer on-site sports physicals on Wednesday, July 15th from 9:00am to 1:00pm at SGS South Campus. The cost for the physicals will be $20. It is for any 7th or 8th grade athlete that plans on doing sports throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to get the physical done easily and have it on file with the school. An email has been sent to 7th and 8th grade parents with information on how to schedule. If you have questions, please email Mr. Holman at jholman@sgs170.org.

Check out our 2020 Grads!! We mill miss all of you and wish you well @ SHS... https://youtu.be/H0NVWUtXFq8

Technology drop off and student supply pick up continues tomorrow Wed May 20th 9-3 and Thursday May 21st from 1-6. Thank you to all the staff for their help!!

Congratulations SGS Class of 2020!

Thanks to the 7th and 8th grade team for their help honoring our 8th graders

Congratulations 8th grade!!


It was a great day to celebrate our 8th graders

Ms. KB wanted to share this with our students
While construction is on pause, the importance of a safe home doesn’t change. So we’re asking kids to help color our house!
Enter by April 27th for a chance to win a Habitat house bank and $25 gift card to Pizza Hut, who recently donated lunch for our volunteer crew.
1. Download the photo and print.
2. Color- like a real house or one in your dreams!
3. Send your final picture in a message to our page to we have your entry.
4. Post your house in the comments for all to enjoy!
Good luck! 🏡