Due to the current and predicted road conditions, school will be canceled for today, January 9th. All extracurricular activities and practices are canceled as well.
about 1 year ago, Raider Randy
January Student Services Connection Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Tiffany Condon
Jan Newletter
Cactus Winter Hours for January and February 2024.
about 1 year ago, Randy Raider
CACtus Winter Hours
SGS gets new Band Uniforms! (L-R) Tenley Justice, Stephanie Jones ( Jr. High Band Teacher) and Hudson Hartwig.
about 1 year ago, Randy Raider
new uniforms
Tomorrow night is Pack the Gym Night. All proceeds benefit the Seneca Food Pantry. We hope to see you there!!
over 1 year ago, SGS Athletics
This weeks events
over 1 year ago, Tiffany Condon
Sixth Grade took a “paws” from library class for a visit from 🐾Stella🐾! Stella and Officer Sangston stopped in the library to tell us about some of the many ways Stella helps out around the school.
over 1 year ago, Randy Raider
Officer Sangston
We will be hosting a Pack the Gym night on December 12th. All proceeds will benefit the Seneca Food Pantry. We hope to see you there!!
over 1 year ago, SGS Athletics
There was an error with the original QR code handed out this afternoon at conferences. Please use the link below if your conference was earlier today. All participants will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card North Campus https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnRRb9c_y6Oh_i3l8SepSpNfT1Oy6Z6I-ctf2cMQBrA70U2w/viewform?usp=sf_link South Campus https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdN1Vf_-4cXmAydEfhepFpIzJkEHRqJOSdmT96f8eMLOq1jhA/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 1 year ago, Tiffany Condon
PT Survey
New School Board Picture (Left to right) Brent Sulzberger - Vice President , Andy Applebee , Ken Sangston - President, Tracy Justice, Nic Mancuso, Patrick Ugolini and Jeff Brockman
over 1 year ago, Randy Raider
School Board
Congratulations to our Students of the Month! September Student of the Month was Hudson Hartwig and October Student of the Month was Alise Jackson.
over 1 year ago, Randy Raider
Student of the Month
Voices hosted a 7th/8th Grade Fall Dance and fun was had by all. Nice Job Voices!
over 1 year ago, Raider Randy
Voices Group Picture
Don't miss the Exciting and Fun Events at the Christmas Tree Lighting at Crotty Park.
over 1 year ago, Raider Randy
Event Details
November Student Services Newsletter
over 1 year ago, Tiffany Condon
Wear blue on Tuesday, November 14th in support of World Diabetes Day
over 1 year ago, Lynn McGhee
wear blue
The TeacherEase App now accepts payments! Please see the below link if you have questions about how this works within the App. https://www.common-goal.com/app/news/article/parent_mobile_payments_through_app?sbrc=14PG82ARyL2lUyegBcO7OFA%3D%3D%24s_71aW7_X8zsiHX6UMdnNg%3D%3D
over 1 year ago, Raider Randy
SGS 2023 Holiday Cheer Camp! https://5il.co/28abk
over 1 year ago, Raider Randy
Sign Up Form
Take a look at the November CACTUS Line Up. https://5il.co/281uk
over 1 year ago, Raider Randy
November CACTUS Schedule
NORTH CAMPUS HALLOWEEN PARADE UPDATE Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow - we will be moving our parade inside the building. Families are still invited to join us for the parade which begins at 10:45. Here are a few guidelines for the morning 1) Students may wear costumes to school. Students need to be able to move in their costumes and be able to sit at desks. 2) Costumes should be school-appropriate and not be of a gory or violent nature. No weapons are allowed 3) For those attending the indoor parade, we ask that you park in the southeast lot by the Hoben Gym. 4) Doors will open at 10:35. You may enter the building at Door W. 5) To accommodate more people, we will be using both gyms. Families with last names beginning with A-F will sit in the North Gym and G-Z will go to the South Gym. 6) Classes will go to both gyms. Once the parades are finished, students will return to the classrooms. 7) The car pick-up line will run as usual. If you are walking to pick up your child, you should wait outside the main entrance. If you are changing your child's normal pick-up routine, please send a written note to your child's teacher. We appreciate your understanding of the change and hope you can join us in the fun!
over 1 year ago, Lynn McGhee
North Campus Halloween Parade  Update
5th Beginning Band and 6th Concert Band Fall Concert.
over 1 year ago, Eric Misener
5th Beginning Band
6th Concert Band
5th and 6th Bands play together.