If you need help with school supplies for this school year please reach out.

ATTENTION: Cross country practice will begin on TUESDAY morning 7:30 - 8:30 AM at South Campus (not Monday like the previous post/email). Sorry for any confusion this may have caused!

Due to the forecast tomorrow, we will reschedule Popsicles on the Playground to Wednesday, August 7th, 11:30-12:30. Please come and see Stella and Officer Sangston, enjoy a treat, and play with friends!

Join us this Friday, August 2nd, from 11:30 to 12:30 at the North Campus playground. We will have ice pops and the playground will be open for play. Say hi to Officer Sangston and Stella, and play with some friends. Stella can't wait to see everyone!

Softball tryouts will start on Monday, July 29th. They will take place at Seneca High School from 8:00AM - 9:30AM.
Please make sure all paperwork is turned in so your athlete can participate. This includes a current physical, agreement form, code of ethics, and verification form.
All documents can be found here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14Ty1JczvX7R5GGD0ruL8e7cKS9GFwn5P
Documents can be submitted to the District Office or given to the coach on the first day of tryouts.

Come and see Stella and Officer Sangston on Friday, August 2nd from 11:30-12:30 during Popsicles on the Playground! It will be a great time to visit and play with friends before school starts! Hope to see everyone there!!

Get prepared for fall sports! The IESA has partnered with Dick's Sporting Goods and will offer a 20% off coupon to be used in store between July 19th and July 21st. A link to the coupon can be found here - https://www.iesa.org/temp/24_dicks_fall_coupon.pdf

Fall sports are quickly approaching!
- Softball will start tryouts on Monday, July 29th from 8:00 - 9:30 AM at the SHS softball field.
- Baseball tryouts will start on Monday, August 5th from 9:00 - 10:30 AM at the SGS baseball field.
- XC practice will be held on Monday, August 5th at 8:00 AM at the South Campus.
Please make sure all paperwork is turned in prior to the start date.

The 18th Annual SGS Education Foundation Golf Tournament will be held July 7, 2024.
Please follow the link below for registration information

Congratulations to our very own Mrs.Hamilton on winning the Q Hit Music Teacher of the year Contest! We are so proud of you!

Kid's Free Fish Tournament

Congratulations to our 8th grade graduates!

The North Campus students and staff cheer on the graduating 8th grade Raiders. Congrats!!
# Once a Raider always a Raider.

As a way to cap off the end of the year, Ms. Bolin’s 3rd and 4th grade classes played a glow in the dark version of the game, Team Pin Protect. This included each student getting a glow stick bracelet, the use of black lights, and glow in the dark dodgeballs.

Our Voices Group of students recently took profits from a fundraiser to refill a Give and Take
Micro Pantry in Ottawa. This Give and Take Micro Pantry is used frequently and often empty.
Thank you Voices and SGS students

We will be welcoming our state champion, Trenton Powell, through town with a police escort around 6:45 PM!

Congratulations to Trenton Powell on winning the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP for 8th grade pole vault at the state meet. Way to go Trenton!

Congratulations to Delaney Cato on getting 6th place in high jump at the state meet today!

Congratulations to Avery Aldridge for placing 7th in pole vault at the state meet and Emily Aldridge for placing in 2nd in pole vault at the state meet today!

The North Campus students and staff cheer on the Track and Field state qualifiers. Good luck to the SGS athletes as they compete at IESA State this weekend!
# Go Raider Nation.