North Campus participating in ACES - all children exercise simultaneously. Due to weather conditions we rescheduled from Workout Wednesday to today. A great way to end our spirit week!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs Hovious' Newsletter 5-3-19
almost 6 years ago, Randy Raider
Congratulations to our Excellence in Education award winners
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. Novotney, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Yerly, Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Hall
North Campus Young Authors!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Think-ahead Thursday in Mrs. Sprinkel’s class.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Mrs. Hovious’s class is thinking ahead this Thursday to their future careers!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
The boys
The girls
Mrs. Sprinkel’s class shows off their muscles for Workout Wednesday
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
This morning, the entire South Campus participated in the annual Project ACES physical fitness initiative. ACES stands for “All Children Exercise Simultaneously “. Every May, millions of school children from across the globe participate in this event.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Severson
Mrs. C’s Preschool classes got into the spirit of Twisted Tuesday!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
AM class
Fun in Mrs. Sprinkel’s class for Maui Monday and Twisted Tuesday
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Scholastic Bowl Sections at SGS.
almost 6 years ago, Eric Misener
This is an image of scholastic Bowl sectionals.
Last Friday, Mrs. Marenda’s classes launched their Roman catapults, created from shoeboxes, as part of a cross-curricular STEM project involving social studies and science.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Severson
5th grade catapults
5th grade catapults
5th grade catapults
5th grade catapults
North Campus made their own sunshine on Maui Monday
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Fourth grade relaxing in art
Kindergarten all smiles to start the day!
Preschool enjoying some Island dancing!
Mr. Yandell’s classes are presenting their book report projects today.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Severson
6th Book Report
6th Book Report
6th Book Report
6th Book Report
Mrs. McDonald's Event Calendar-
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter 4/26/19 -
almost 6 years ago, Raider Randy
Another amazing Mother Goose Program by Kindergarten!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Kindergarten Open House tonight! The students were amazing and very proud to show off their hard work this year!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
North Campus students are invited to join in Spring Spirit Week April 29th to May 3rd
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee