All extracurricular activities tonight have been cancelled. This includes all practices, games, and scholastic bowl matches.

No school tomorrow, Tuesday February 16th.

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/plb5

February 9th COVID Communication

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/pe6g

The 7/8 volleyball game @ Dwight and the 7/8 boys basketball game @ Seneca have been cancelled for tonight.
The volleyball game is rescheduled for Friday, February 26th @ Home
The basketball game is rescheduled for Friday, February 19th @ Home

We are excited to be able to live stream all our sporting events this year. Live events can be watched on the SGS Athletics YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-COP-WjQi7bWmDc68OAO7Q
Please subscribe to the channel to get notifications when a game goes live.

After studying forces and motion, the 8th graders practiced their engineering design process skills to build egg drop containers. Mrs. Covert rode the lift to the ceiling in the gym while the students waited to see if their eggs survived or scrambled. Congratulations to the 8th graders on their egg drop adventures!

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/p47f

Weekly COVID Statistics...

Say YES! to the Dress!!!

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/oo3d

Great News! Tenley398, from Seneca Grade School, has been selected as a finalist for this week's "Artist of the Week" award for the 4th-6th age group. The finalist who receives the most online votes between now and Saturday January 16 will be selected as our "Artist of the Week."
To view the finalists and cast your vote, simply click on the link below. Voting is limited to one vote per computer per day for each age group!
The "Artist of the Week" will be featured on the Artsonia homepage and will receive a commemorative plaque from Artsonia. In addition, Blick Art Materials has generously donated $100 gift certificates to the winning schools and $50 to the winning artists.
All fan club members from Seneca Grade School have just been sent an email inviting them to vote, but we encourage you to personally spread the word at school, making sure all your students cast their votes right away!
Thank you for submitting your artwork to Artsonia and helping every child be an artist!

January 11th COVID Communication

January 8th COVID Communication

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/oeom

January 5th COVID Communication

The 8th grade ELA students are reading "Flowers for Algernon" this week. In order to better understand the main character, Charlie, the students "took" a Rorschach Inkblot test and then made their own inkblots. Check them out! What do you see?

The Science Club engineered some amazing marshmallow spaghetti Christmas trees for their holiday fun lab!

The 7th & 8th grade had a little holiday fun today with some old fashioned macaroni wreath ornaments and a holiday snack. Check them out!