Check out the SGS Kindergarten Mother Goose Program. Big thanks to our outstanding Kindergarten staff for putting this together. The kids are amazing - it's so great to see how much they have grown this year!

May 12th COVID Communication - https://5il.co/skvj

SGS is "EGGCITED" about embryology!

May 10th COVID Communication

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/sdwb

Weekly COVID Statistics

Weekly COVID Statistics 4/23/21 - https://5il.co/rvrx

Weekly COVID Statistics

Updated Weekly COVID Statistics 4/9/21 - https://5il.co/rehw

Weekly COVID Updated Statistics 3/26/21 - https://5il.co/qzjw

Weekly COVID Updated Statistics - https://5il.co/qsnk

Congratulations to all of the 7th and 8th grade students who participated in Science Fair! Our fair was virtual this year, so Camryn S., Addysen A., Shan B., Jenna T., and Talia J. presented to the judges by video. The results are in, and the following students placed, as well as qualified to go on to regionals: 3rd place: Jenna T. and Talia J. with their project entitled Plant Light Maze 2nd place: Addysen A. with her project, Exploring Cosmetic Chemistry with Bath Bombs 1st place: Shan B. whose project was Spherification
Congratulations to all on a job well done!

Weekly COVID Updated Statistics

Weekly COVID Updated Statistics

March 1st Communication

Weekly COVID Updated Statistics

The 3rd-6th grade P.E. student teacher, Mr. Alley, has been working with students this week on different movements and how to pace themselves during those movements.

Weekly COVID Statistics - https://5il.co/pris

Voices would like to thank the students and staff at South Campus for purchasing socially distance Hugs and Kisses. We were able to donate $250.00 to a local pet organization.

February 15th COVID Communication