On Wednesday, the 6th graders had a great time showing off their projects at the Geography Fair! Thank you to everyone who attended and made the fair a special event for the kids.

This week's events

Everyone had a great time creating their STEM projects on Neon Day at the South Campus.

This week's events

8th Grade Conference Champs!! Congrats to the 8th grade team, Coach Kiper and Coach Greve. Go Raiders!

SGS Kindergartens buddied with the 8th Graders to work on a project

Hi All. The school cannot receive phone calls right now. Our service provider is working on the issue. In the meantime, please contact dreding@sgs170.org at South Campus or tcondon@sgs170.org at North Campus. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This weeks events

Parents & Guardians, your opinions matter. Please consider taking the Illinois 5 Essentials Survey.

This weeks events for SGS

7th Grade Regional Champs!!! Congrats to the team, Coach Anderson and Coach Yandell. Go Raiders!

5th Grade Intramural COED Basketball
Sign up Forms are coming home with the students

Our 7th and 8th graders had a great time at the “Galaxy Dance” last Friday night!

This week's events for SGS

7th Grade Conference Champs!!

SGS District 170 is hiring a 5th grade ELA teacher for the 2023-24 school year. Click on the following link for more information.

Our 6th graders in Ms. Yunker’s class had a great time recently presenting their “Christmas Around the World” Google slide shows. Merry Christmas everyone!

STEM Spaghetti Tower Challenge: Design and build the tallest free-standing structure that supports a large marshmallow using a limited amount of materials within the given time frame.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Seneca Grade School
Just a Reminder: School will dismiss 1 hour early on Wednesday the 21st. North Campus students will be dismissed at 1:45 P.M. and South Campus students will dismiss at 1:55 P.M. School will resume for students on Thursday, January 5th. Have a safe and restful break!

THANK YOU to everyone who packed the gym for the game last night. The Seneca and MVK communities came together to donate 300+ food items and $475 to the Seneca Food Pantry!! The Seneca Grade School PSO donated an additional $450 from their concession sales for the night!