The 5th Grade Students had some fun competing in the annual Connect 4 Competition earlier this month. This year the winner is Bennett Gilbertson!
almost 2 years ago, Raider Randy
connect 4 winner and bracket
The 6th graders have had a great time working on their March Madness projects. Presentations started today!
almost 2 years ago, Shane Severson
March Madness 1
March Madness 2
March Madness 3
March Madness 4
March Madness 5
March Madness 6
March Madness 7
This week's events
almost 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
On Wednesday, March 22nd, 41 SGS musicians in grades 5-8 participated in the annual Solo and Ensemble Festival held at the South Campus. Students spent time preparing their events during lesson times and outside of school hours to perform for adjudicators from other area schools. All of the judges were impressed with the performances. Each judge selected one outstanding performance to be recognized as Best of Day from their room. We are pleased to announce that 3 of the events were performed by SGS students! Congratulations to Alise Jackson (7th grade), who was recognized for both her snare drum and vocal solos, and Tenley Justice (6th grade), who was recognized for her flute solo!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Richards
Alise Jackson (7th grade) and Tenley Justice (6th grade) Best of Day Award Recipients
Seneca Grade School will be offering sports physicals during school on Wednesday, May 10th. The cost of the physical is $25 and Morris Hospital will be donating that money back SGS Athletics!! The physicals are open to all CURRENT 6th and 7th graders and will be good for 13 months. If you would like to sign your student up, please contact Liz Jones at 815-357-8744 ext. 3101 or by email at
almost 2 years ago, SGS Athletics
MH Physical
This week's events
almost 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Spring Fling Week March 27th-31st
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Spring Fling
The 7th and 8th grade teachers sponsored a snack mix social hour after school today. A large group of 7th and 8th graders had fun hanging out together and making a sweet snack mix treat to end their day here at the South Campus.
about 2 years ago, Shane Severson
Social Hour 1
Social Hour 2
Social Hour 3
Social Hour 4
Social Hour 5
SGS will be supporting World Down Syndrome Day March 21, 2023
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Rock Your Socks
This week's events
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Congratulations to Beau Thompson on winning the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP at the IESA state wrestling tournament!!
about 2 years ago, SGS Athletics
Congratulations to Raiden Terry on his 3rd place finish at the IESA state wrestling tournament!!
about 2 years ago, SGS Athletics
8th Grade Volleyball Regional Champs!!
about 2 years ago, Eric Misener
Regional Champs!
8th Grade Champs
Regional Champs!!
Over the past several weeks the 6th grade science students learned about the life cycle of a mine, use of rocks, minerals, and soil, and discovered the importance of aggregate producers. ​The information was presented through a variety of activities including hands on sessions on rock and mineral identification, cookie mining, make your own toothpaste, cupcake drilling, creating a metamorphic sandwich, putting together rock kits and a sand slide microscope lab.
about 2 years ago, Shane Severson
6th Science 1
6th Science 2
6th Science 3
6th Science 4
6th Science 5
6th Science 6
Congratulations to our science fair winners from last week. 1st Place - Haiden Lavarier and Taylor Miner ... 2nd Place - Elsa Douglas ... 3rd Place - Elizabeth Sprinkel and Delaney Cato. All three projects will compete in the regional contest this Saturday.
about 2 years ago, Shane Severson
Science Fair … 1st Place
Science Fair … 2nd Place
Science Fair … 3rd Place
This week's events
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Congratulations to our two sectional CHAMPIONS! Raiden Terry at 85 pounds and Beau Thompson at 119 pounds. They will now compete at the state wrestling meet next weekend!!!
about 2 years ago, SGS Athletics
This week's events
about 2 years ago, Tiffany Condon
Congratulations to all SGS wrestlers on a great season. There were 4 wrestlers that advanced to sectionals next weekend - Raiden Terry (champion at 85 lbs), Parker Jones (3rd place at 105 lbs), Beau Thompson (champion at 119 lbs), and Chase Rod (3rd place at 135 lbs). The following wrestlers will be alternates at sectionals next weekend - Kholton Kennedy, Cartlan Yandell, Mason Rod, Michael Kucinic, Joey Arnold, Elliott Geier, and Rayce Aukland.
about 2 years ago, SGS Athletics
Last night the 8th grade girls volleyball team and Mrs. Kiper played their last game at the South Campus. All the girls were recognized as part of 8th Grade Night. Mrs. Kiper was also recognized for 21 years of coaching in the district. Current and former players celebrated her years of service and wished her the best in retirement. Good luck to the Mrs. Kiper and the girls in the upcoming state series!
about 2 years ago, Shane Severson
Volleyball 1
Volleyball 2
Volleyball 3