This is a reminder that baseball tryouts will take place tomorrow (July 31st) from 9:00am - 10:30am at the SGS baseball field.
The first cross country practice will take place on Tuesday (August 1st) from 7:30 - 8:15 behind the South Campus.

Cross country practice will start on Tuesday, August 1st from 7:30am - 8:15am behind South Campus (not July 31st like the previous post stated).
If you have any questions please email Mr. Holman at jholman@sgs170.org.

We have some important dates coming up for any 6th - 8th grader interested in sports at SGS...
SOFTBALL: Tryouts will be held starting on Monday, July 24th from 8:00 - 9:30 (at High School Field)
BASEBALL: Tryouts will be held starting on Monday, July 31st from 9:00 - 10:30 (at SGS Field)
CROSS COUNTRY: Practice will start on Monday, July 31st from 7:30 - 8:15 (behind South Campus). Athletes CAN participate in both Cross Country and Baseball/Softball.
Athletes must have a CURRENT physical and all paperwork (agreement form, code of ethics, and insurance) on file in order to participate. Paperwork can be turned in to the District Office between 8:00 and 3:00.
Forms can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dJbYWRQmIjh1NSJbAduVxCK7Z6BdZBTf?usp=sharing

From the IESA:
EVERY SEASON STARTS WITH DICK’s SPORTING GOODS! Fans, head to www.iesa.org for a 20% off coupon good July 21-23 only at DICK’s Sporting Goods. Very few exclusions mean more savings for you as you GEAR UP! This is an exclusive IESA coupon good July 21st through the 23rd - print or show the coupon on your phone for savings!!

SGS softball tryouts will take place on July 24th, 25th, & 26th from 8:00 - 9:30 @ Seneca High School. All forms (current physical, insurance waiver, code of conduct, and agreement form) MUST be on file in order for athletes to participate. Paperwork can be dropped off in the District Office M - TH between 8:00 and 3:00.

Attention SGS Community:
Parking Lot construction will be taking place at both the North and South Campus buildings during the week of June 5th through June 14th. The softball and baseball field behind South Campus and on Main Street at the track will be available for practices and games. Monday's mobile food pantry will take place as scheduled for Monday, June 5th and will take place in the front parking lot at South Campus. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding during this time.

* Starting Pay $21.00 per hour
* Sign-on Bonus
* Participation in IMRF Retirement Plan
*Health Insurance PPO Opportunity
*District Paid Life Insurance
*Flexible Hours
*Newer Bluebird Busses
Contact the SGS District Office at (815) 357-8744 for more information.

The 7th graders launched their water rockets today, and the winners were Tristan S. and Ben B! Congratulations to our master rocket builders!

Additional Pictures from the May 18th SGS 2nd Grade Field Trip.

On Thursday, the 2nd grade classes took a field trip to Lewis University to see the play Peter Pan and the Pirates. Students then had a picnic lunch at the park and played. The trip concluded with popsicles and a visit from Ms. Anna from the Seneca Public Library. Fun was had by all and we had a beautiful day to be outdoors!

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023. Raider Nation is proud of you!!

Congratulations to Mrs. Las for being awarded Teacher of the Year through the VFW!!

Congratulations to all 3 of SGS Students of the Month. March Student of the Month is Michael Kucinic, April Student of the Month is Keira Stilwell and May Student of the Month is Haiden Lavarier.

Yesterday, our 8th graders celebrated the completion of their final novel, The Outsiders, with a 1960s themed day! Students dressed as Greasers or Socs, tasted popular 1960s candy and played popular indoor and outdoor games. They ended their day by watching the movie version of the story.

Our sixth graders traveled to the Ropp Jersey Cheese Farm today outside of Bloomington/Normal to learn about milk and cheese production.

Frog dissection day for the 8th graders in science class!

Due to inclement weather - the Walk-a-thon will be held indoors at North Campus today. For those students that have signed up, they will remain at school following our 11:25 dismissal. The students will be served lunch and then the walk will begin indoors.
Students will walk from approximately 12:00 to 12:45. Parents should park in our south parking lot and enter at Door W to pick their children up beginning at 12:45 pm.
Thank you for your support!