Check out Mrs. Hovious' Newsletter... The 3/22 Edition!
almost 6 years ago, Raider Randy
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
North Campus enjoyed the assembly “The Magic of Science” today. A big thanks to the PSO for providing this opportunity!
almost 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs Hovious' Newletter 3-15-19
about 6 years ago, Randy Raider
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Join us in celebrating World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st and Rock Your Crazy Socks!
about 6 years ago, Lynn McGhee
Mrs. Sprinkel's March Calendar
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Mrs. Sprinkel's Newsletter 3-8
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Sprinkel
Mrs Hovious Newsletter 3-8-19
about 6 years ago, Randy Raider
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Track practice begins Monday, March 11th! Track is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
about 6 years ago, SGS Athletics
March Track Schedule
District 2nd Trimester Newsletter
about 6 years ago, Randy Raider
The 2019 track spirit wear is available! Orders can be placed online until March 14th. Regular spirit wear available as well. Follow this link to browse and place your order!
about 6 years ago, SGS Athletics
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. McDonald's March Calendar-
about 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Mrs. Hovious Newsletter 3-1-19
about 6 years ago, Randy Raider
The wrestlers had a strong showing at Regionals. Congratulations to Asher Hamby and Bruce Smolucha for qualifying for Sectionals!
about 6 years ago, Mr. Severson
Regional Wrestlers
Smolucha - 3rd
Hamby - 2nd
Mrs Hovious' Newsletter 2-22-19
about 6 years ago, Randy Raider
Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News-
about 6 years ago, Mrs. McDonald
Congratulations to all of our science fair contestants. Everyone did a great job on their projects!
about 6 years ago, Mr. Severson
Science Fair participants