On Thursday, September 19th the 2nd grade classes took a field trip to the LaSalle County Soil and Water Conservation Districts Environmental Activity Day at Shabbona Park. Conservation and environmental professionals covered topics in conservation, wildlife, agriculture, and the environment. Students were in groups and rotated through the hands on centers. The day was very warm but fun was had by all!

Four 8th grade students spent the day on Friday at Joliet Junior college. Samuel C., Mohammad A., Sophia F., and Chrissy A. spent the first day of a two-day competition learning all about hydraulic and pneumatic power. Representatives from Caterpillar lead the instruction, demonstrating how to use the tools, before they set the students free to learn by doing. Students built hydraulic lift and rotating machines in order to practice for their competition build in November. Those four students will spend the next two months planning and building prototype machines to complete the task of moving a wooden dowel with only fluid power. Good luck tackling this challenge, team!

Mrs. Hovious Newsletter 9/20/19 https://5il.co/5jbo

Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News- https://5il.co/5l7r

The 6th grade girls B team will play first tonight at Marseilles. Game will start at 5:00. A team will follow.

SGS Welcomes two new Teachers! Left, Katie Derber, 4th grade and right Mariah Bolin Elementary P.E.

The kindergarten students had a great time at Heap’s Giant Pumpkin Farm! Students learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and were introduced to a variety of pumpkins and squash grown on the farm. We took a hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch where the children were able to walk around and see the vines, leaves, flowers, and pumpkins. The students enjoyed seeing the chickens, goats, sheep, donkey, and calf that live on the farm. Playing in Milo’s Castle, climbing on the hay bales, and crawling through the corn bins were some highlights of the trip. Each student was able to choose a pumpkin to bring home too. The students had a wonderful day of fun, learning, and exploration!

SGS home Cross Country meet.

3rd grade playing Rock, Paper, Scissors Football.
- One player from one team starts in the middle on both sides of the football.
- Players alternate running, one at a time, toward a running member of the opposite team.
- Players stop in front of each other and play rock paper scissors, whichever player wins keeps running forward, the player that does not win runs back toward his/her line. If the player with
the ball loses, they drop the ball and the other person picks it up.
- As soon as one player loses at rock paper scissors, the next person in their line may run to meet the person who won.
- The goal is to cross the goal line.

Mrs. Monahan's Newsletter 9-16-19https://5il.co/a8yl

Back to School!! Black out Dance!!!

Combined 4th grade classes for a end of the week game of Scatterball. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. McDonald's Do Not Lose News- https://5il.co/5l7r

Mrs Hovious Newsletter 09-13-19 https://5il.co/5jbo

We had a wonderful lunch with a few heroes from Seneca!

This week the kindergarten classes have been learning how our first responders and veterans are helpful, brave, and courageous. We are so thankful for the sacrifices they have made to allow us freedom and to protect our safety!

We loved all our guests at lunch today!

Remembering Patriots Day at SGS.

First home cross country meet.

We are still collecting food this week for the food drive. We appreciate everyone’s help