COVID Statistics
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Due to unsafe road conditions, school will not be in session tomorrow, February 3rd. Stay Safe.
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Snow Day! No School Today 2/2/22
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
COVID Statistics
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Parents coming to the pick up and drop off lane at North Campus - Please only turn right into the lane. The traffic flow should come Union St. to south on Walnut. It is a hazardous situation when people attempt to turn from the left. This is especially important on inclement weather day such as this morning. Please share this information with anyone that maybe dropping off at North Campus. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Lynn McGhee
COVID Statistics
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Congratulations to our Students of the Month. Addysen Applebee - November 2021 and Chase McDaniel - December 2021
about 3 years ago, Randy Raider
Nov and Dec 2021 Students of the Month
COVID Statistics
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Seneca Grade School will have a one hour early dismissal tomorrow Friday Jan. 14th. Both campuses will dismiss at 2:00 pm. North Campus car line pick up can begin forming at 1:35. There is no school on Monday Jan. 17th. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Lynn McGhee
ISBE Adopted Revised CDC Quarantine Period
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
COVID Statistics
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Parent Communication
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
A message from Administration.
about 3 years ago, Raider Randy
COVID Statistics
over 3 years ago, Raider Randy
Don't forget... One hour early dismissal on Tuesday, 12/21/2021.
over 3 years ago, Raider Randy
COVID Statistics
over 3 years ago, Raider Randy
North Campus will have some dress up days leading up to our winter break. Friday Dec 17th - GRINCH DAY -- students can dress as a resident of Whoville, wear red/green or a holiday shirt Monday Dec 20th - PAJAMA DAY --students can wear comfy clothes or PJs Tuesday Dec 21st - HOLIDAY SWEATER EXTRAVAGANZA --students can wear an "ugly" holiday sweater
over 3 years ago, Lynn McGhee
In preparation for reading "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, the 8th graders took a look at Rorschach inkblots to understand one of the tests that the main character, Charlie, has to undergo within the story. The students then created their own inkblots that they will use to "test" family and friends. Check out their inkblots. What might they be?
over 3 years ago, Christine Armstrong
Due to unavoidable circumstances there are additional changes to our lunch menu for the month of December. The four days that have been affected are highlighted. Please share these changes with our students.
over 3 years ago, Randy Raider
lunch menu
Due to a supply shortage of the soup needed, there is a menu change for tomorrow, December 8th. We will be having grilled cheese in place of chicken noodle casserole. The rest of the meal will remain the same. We continue to be very fortunate to have such minimal issues, and will keep you informed of any changes as they occur. Please assist us in letting your students know.
over 3 years ago, Raider Randy