Congratulations to the SGS Excellence In Education award recipients. This year’s recipients: Mrs. McGhee, Mrs. Virgo, Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Monahan were honored by the Regional Office of Education at a May 5th open house.

Yesterday, Mrs. Marenda’s classes had a great time doing an interdisciplinary STEM activity. In science, they researched, designed and built catapults using recyclable materials. They then used them to launch marshmallows at a castle as part of their Middle Ages unit in World History.

Morning Flights …. Mr. Holman’s 1st hour 7th graders were flying paper airplanes this morning to see whose could cover the greatest distance. The students created the planes by graphing lines in slope intercept form.

2022 Spring Chorus Concert

The pickle ball unit wrapped up at the end of last week in Mr. Enervold’s PE class. Definitely one of the favorite units for our 7th and 8th graders this year.

The chicks have started hatching in Ms. Yunker’s class! They are part of her annual unit on embryology. Definitely a favorite unit for all the 6th graders. Special thank you to Trenton Powell for bringing in fertilized eggs and providing a good home to all of the hatched chicks.

Check out the 2021-2022 Kindergarten Mother Goose program that was taped this morning! Mrs. Hovious, Mrs. Sprinkel and Mrs. McDonald's students are excited to share these classic nursery rhymes and songs with everyone. Click the link and enjoy!

Mr. Bilyeu took advantage of the warm temps today to take his classes outside to learn about the metric system.

The South Campus celebrated Earth Day today by working together to create planters out of recyclable materials, making commercials and developing advertisement posters. Everyone did a great job!
Happy Earth Day!

On Wednesday, April 13th, 33 students in 5th-8th grade participated in our first in-person Solo and Ensemble Contest since 2019! All of the students prepared solos, duets, and trios during lesson times and before and after school. Their performance was judged by local music teachers who left that night very impressed with their ability and preparation. Congratulations to all who participated!

We will once again be offering sports physicals at SGS. They are open to all current 6th and 7th graders interested in joining sports next year. If you would like to sign your student up, please contact Mrs. Jones at ljones@sgs170.org or call 815-357-8744 Ext. 3101

Seneca Grade School Spring Concert

Our 8th Grade Class is studying sound waves!!

Congratulations to our Students of the Month. Ayden Robinson - January 2022 and Alexis Pedrosa - February 2022

On Monday, March 14, Ayden M. (6th) Kassi R. (7th) and Shan B. (8th) represented SGS at this year’s Conference Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Ayden who placed 2nd for sixth grade and Shan who placed 1st for eighth grade. Shan also took 2nd place overall out of 30 spellers.

Congratulations to our state wrestlers on a great weekend. Raiden Terry finished with a 5TH PLACE medal and Beau Thompson finished with a 2ND PLACE medal! Great job wrestlers!

Good luck to our state wrestlers today! Raiden Terry and Landon Venecia are in wrestlebacks and Beau Thompson has qualified for the semifinals! Go Raiders!!

The 7th Grade Lady Raiders volleyball team lost a hard fought match tonight at state. Congratulations on a great season girls!

COVID Statistics...

If you cannot make the volleyball game tonight, it will be live streamed! You can watch it here - https://youtube.com/channel/UCYe4DOfjMMxhtD5U8FSbaxA. The game starts at 4:30.