August 17, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we begin this new school year, it brings with it many concerns and worries. As your school nurses, we will do our best to keep your child/children healthy but we will need your help. The amount of information on the COVID19 Pandemic is overwhelming and can be difficult to understand. LaSalle County Health Department (LCHD) has been, and will continue to provide us with the most current and up to date guidance and requirements for school health which we must follow.
The COVID19 symptoms children have been presenting with are very similar to other common illnesses and seasonal allergy symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. LaSalle County Health Department also said that sometimes children have NO symptoms! This makes our job very difficult. And this is also where we ask for your help in keeping our school as healthy as possible. We have been advised by LCHD that students with 1 or more of the following symptoms need to stay home or be sent home for further evaluation by their medical provider before being allowed to return to school.
Please screen your child/children for the symptoms listed below daily before sending them to school:
- Check for a temperature of 100.0 or higher, chills, or body aches
- Complaints of a headache, sore throat, and runny nose
- Persistent cough or difficulty breathing
- Upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
- Loss of smell or taste
If your child answers ‘yes’ or you observe any one of the above symptoms, please keep them home and consult with your doctor. Also, do not administer any fever reducing medication prior to sending your child to school.
If your child suffers seasonal allergies and requires medication please administer it as prescribed/directed to keep your child healthy and to help control the symptoms.
Lastly, please make sure your contact information is up to date with the school so that we are able to make contact with you or the emergency contacts you have listed.
We as school nurses, like you, did not anticipate dealing with a pandemic. As much as we want your children in school, we must do everything we can to maintain a healthy environment for all. Please never hesitate to contact us with any questions at 815-357-8744 ext. 2110 (North Campus) and ext 3104 (South Campus). Working together as school nurses and parents, we are “Better Together!”
Mrs. Widman, Mrs. Berg, & Mrs. Larsen