Seneca Grade School Remote Learning Guidelines



Attendance will be taken each day.  Students will log into TeacherEase by 8:30 am and mark he/she as present
The expectation is that the student is present during live lessons (via Google Meets and/or Zoom) and attendance will be recorded by teacher
If a child is unable attend class, parents should call into the attendance line and report the absence

Student expectations:

Students will check email daily for communication from teachers and staff
Students will use Google Classroom for learning activities assigned by staff
Student are expected to participate in learning activities provided by teachers
When participating in live lessons, we ask that students are sitting upright, dressed appropriately and in a quiet area free of distractions and excessive noise
Log in on time for live sessions
During live sessions, students should mute audio when not speaking and keep camera on at all times unless directed by the teacher
Students should email teachers with any questions; please allow a response window until the end of the next school day
Complete and submit assignments by assigned due date
Students should produce and submit high quality original work to teachers
Work submission may include items completed in Google Classroom, photographs, completion in different online programs (such as LexiaiXL, etc.) and teachers will give directions regarding the type of work required for assignments
Be respectful to teachers and peers
Check for missing or incomplete work 
Students should ask questions for clarification
Post only appropriate comments in the class stream and chat area

Parent Recommendations

Ensure student can log into Google Classroom and other platforms used in the classroom
Complete a weekly check of Google Classroom with student to ensure they are on track and completing assignments
Identify a space for student to complete remote learning work
Help student establish and follow regular daily routines
Remind students how to effectively communicate with their teachers
Ensure student checks email and completes daily attendance 
Encourage student to work independently; don’t feel the need to correct all errors. Encourage the learning process to take place
Reach out to student’s teachers with any questions regarding Google Classroom and your student’s progress