April 24, 2020

SGS Learning Community,

We hope that this message finds you and your family healthy.  With the Governor’s announcement last week that in-person learning was going to be suspended through the end of the school year, we have been working to formulate the schedule for the remainder of the year. The following is a listing of important dates for the balance of the 2020 school year.

  • April 24th – May 1st regular remote learning days.  
  • May 4th Remote Learning Planning Day.
  • May 6th Registration Packets mailed out to students/ Packets returned May 19th -21st
  • May 5th - May 13th will be regular remote learning days, with the 13th being the final pickup day for paper packets.
  • May 14th through the week of May 22nd Make-up work week/relaxed activities being geared toward fun and closing out the year.   We also plan to schedule the drop off of school property and pick up of student property during this last week. 
  • May 18th Remote Learning Planning Day.
  • May 19th Pick-up of student property/Drop off of school technology device and text books. 9:00-3:00
  • May 20th Pick-up of student property/Drop off of school technology device and text books. 9:00-3:00
  • May 21st Pick-up Day 1:00-6:00
  • May 22nd 8th Grade Pick-up/Drop-off /Graduation Pictures.  South Campus will be contacting parents to schedule. 
  • May 26 Last day for Lunch/Breakfast pick-up/delivery.
  • Lunch/Breakfast Days – April 27, April 29, May 1, May 5, May 7, May 11, May 13, May 15, May 19, May 21, May 26.

Once again, please keep in mind that even though we are not physically at school, the assigned school work and activities are very important to each student’s educational progress.  If students are having difficulty with assignments, educational concepts or even with a technology device, please make sure to contact your classroom teacher or building principal. 

If you have any questions or concerns during this difficult time, please do not hesitate to contact me at SGS.


Eric Misener
