May 28, 2019
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As another school year comes to a close, it is time to plan for the summer. Summer is a time for students to relax and enjoy time with their family and friends. However, as we prepare for the upcoming seasons, some athletes want to spend a little extra time on their sport(s) of interest. Below is a schedule of basketball camp times that we will host at SGS. In order for your athlete to participate in the camp, his physical and insurance release must be current.
The coaches and I understand how busy summers can be with family vacations and other commitments. Therefore, the basketball camp is not mandatory and it will not be held against him if he does not attend. However, if your child is free, encourage him to be active and involved. In order to have a successful athletic experience, your athlete is encouraged to continually play and practice his chosen sport(s).
This camp is an opportunity that the coaches voluntarily provide to assist student athletes in their sport. Again, I would like to stress that attendance at the camp will not affect your athletes standing on the team, but will be beneficial to their development as a player. If rides are a concern, please contact me and I will look in to carpool options.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at Seneca Grade School (815-357-8744).
• Also, as a reminder, Coach Witte is hosting camps at the high school. June 24th – 26th will be the dates this year for all boys and girls entering 1st-8th grade.
Have a great summer,
Coach Yandell